
Friday 17 October 2014


WALT: Write an explanation telling people what capital letters are and when you use them in writing.

Have you ever wonder what a capital is?  Well I’ll tell you. The real name for capital is an uppercase letter. Some capital letters aren't always the same shape as the lower case ones. Like A is an uppercase letter and a is a lowercase letter.

You use capitals after full stops, exclamation marks and question marks.  Here is an example. What is 2+2=? It is 4. It shows you are beginning a new sentence which is a new idea.

Also you can use capitals in dates like it is the first of November. Also holidays like Halloween and New Year. It makes sense to add a capital letter to the beginning of the sentence.

Also you can use capitals in dates like it is the first of November. Also holidays like Halloween and New Year.You also use capitals for brands such as  Mcdonald's, Nike, Adidas, Carls Jr, Converse, Google and more. Why I hear you say, well it is because it is the name of something. Here is an example. I would like to go to Mcdonald's for lunch.

You can use a capital for your name. Here is an example, my name is Ava. You need to use capitals or your name will not make sense.

You need to use capitals if not your writing will not make sense.
So use them.

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