
Monday, 31 August 2015

Explanation writing. Spend, Share and Save.

This is my draft copy of my explanation writing.
My good writing is below.

Money, Money, Money, Money. Do you want to know how to spend, Share and Save money. That is what I am about to tell you. So lets get right to it. Let’s begin with spending money.  

Here are some things children my age could possibly spend money on: Clothes. Food.lollies.Shoes.PS games.the movies. a Haircut.What would you save your money on? 

Here are some examples of what kids my age or older might save their money on. Headphones.An IpadAn Iphone,Glasses (If your short or long  sighted) New BedA carOr Going overseas.The first reason why you might share your money is, Some people give to charitable causes. Some celebrities like Oprah Winfrey, Sandra Bullock, Alicia Keys, Matthew Mcconaughey, John Cena, Ben Affleck and 50 Cent give money to charities..  These Celebrities support Charities. Some even make there own. Giving money away to people is good and bad. 

The good way is to give it to people you trust that will pay you back. The bad way is when you give it to people you do not trust and can’t pay you back. In spending, saving and sharing money it is important to set spending goals to guide yourself.  A goal helps you to save money on things you need instead of spending it willy nilly. 

When considering how you will spend, save and share your money it is important to decide whether or not to spend your money, Save your money or share it out.

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Kauri Island

This is my literacy task called kauri island. My favorite person in the story is Thelma because I think she likes nature and so do I. Click this sentence for the link to download the story.

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Triangle Addition

This is my triangle addition. This took me around ten minutes to finish.
 I love doing these types of things. Look for my think board as it is coming out soon.

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Ratio Problems

This is my  ratio problem. They were very easy.
The video on the last slide is for people that don't know how to do ratio.
I hope you enjoy. Leave a comment and give me some problems.