
Friday, 31 May 2013

Ava Antarctic writing

Ava Antarctic Writing from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.

When I write paragraph I am learning to use clever vocabulary to say exactly what I mean.

Did you know that a Killer Whale swims all around the globe? Also did you know that it can eat around
500 pounds a day.It  eats penguins and seals. It also eats blue whales.

Killer whales live  in all oceans around the world.Killer whales  inhabit inshore waters of Antarctic and Antarctica.


Wednesday, 29 May 2013



w.l.a.t. we are learning to summarise the main point of a text in amy own words.

Penguins live in the southern ocean.  Penguins are birds that does not live in the north.
Penguins can not fly. But they love waddling ashore.

In winter the sun does not rise. There is an icy gale coming this way and the temp drops.

Penguins survive the whole winter. penguin live on the pack ice.

penguins have thick layer of skin its called blubber.the skin keeps them warm in the cold.

the skin on the penguins are fluffy.the feathers are water proof


Whales are not fish they are mammals. whales live all over the oceans, and are the largest in the world.

Groups of Whales are called pods. Male whales are called bulls, The baby is called a Calf, and  the female is called a Cow.

They have very large mouths. Whales have fat called blubber to keep them warm under the water.

Some whales have peg liked teeth, but some have no teeth.  Whales with no teeth, they are called baleen.

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Will I AM!!!!!

Will I am came to our school and gave us 1.00.000 dollers!!!


walt we are learning to summarise the main points of a paragraph

Seals are mammals that live in oceans all over the world. All of the seals of Antarctica are non eared seals. these seals have lots of blubber to keep his body warm.

Seals have thick, short hair on their streamline body to keep them warm. They have fillpers to help them be superb swimmers. most of the time seals are in the sea.

Seals give birth to pups on the ice. They gracefully swim past us. Seals haul them self up on the ice and they are clumsy.

Crabeater seals like to eat krill. There are 30 million crabeaters seals.

Leopard seals hunt for Penguins and eat them. They are fast underwater.

Weddell seals stay in the middle of winter. other seals go to warmer parts.

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Antarctic sea.

I have learned that the deeper you go the warmer it gets in  Antarctic sea.

Monday, 6 May 2013